Become an affiliate for personalized leather phone cases & accessories - Kulör

Become an affiliate for personalized leather phone cases & accessories

Are you a social media influencer, a website owner or a blogger and want to earn some extra revenue?

Kulör Cases is the web's fastest growing brand for high-quality leather phone cases and accessories. Kulör Cases provides our customers unique product designs and an easy online tool to personalize their leather iPhone cases, Samsung cases, airpod cases, Apple Watch bands and other leather accessories.

Kulör Cases has been featured in numerous magazines, online reviews and blogs. Kulör Cases Affiliate is free to join and we reward 10% commission of every dollar you help refer to our store. We provide market competitive products, prices and conversion rate. So take 2 minutes of your time to apply and start earning. 


All you have to do is:

1. Click on "REGISTER NOW" and apply as Kulör Cases Affiliate

2. Once we approve your application, share your unique Affiliate link on your Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Website, or wherever you'd like!

3. Refer to your Affiliate dashboard and watch your commissions roll in!

4. Cash out by either Paypal or Gift Card




Customization Guide

Phone Cases

Gold Foil Custom Monogram Phone Case - Gold Foil
Silver Foil Custom Monogram Phone Case - Silver Foil
Rose Gold Foil Custom Monogram Phone Case - Rose Gold Foil
Blind - No Foil Custom Monogram Phone Case - Blind no foil

Watch Bands

Personalized Apple Watch Band


1. Both blind and foil stampings will appear in the approximate area shown.

2. Letter spacing might differ slightly from the preview due to the fixed width of copper die.

3. Foil is foil, it might come off when it is rubbed against over time.

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