Can iPhone 7 Plus Leather Cases fit onto iPhone 6 Plus? - Kulör

Can iPhone 7 Plus Leather Cases fit onto iPhone 6 Plus?

July 31, 2018

Can iPhone 7 Plus Leather Cases fit onto iPhone 6 Plus?-Kulör Cases

A few of our clients are asking if they could order iPhone 7 Plus leather cases for their iPhone 6 Plus (because we offer more colors for iPhone 7 Plus than the 6 Plus). So what's the verdict?

You can see the dimensions of both phones listed below and iPhone 7 Plus is actually a bigger and thicker phone than iPhone 6 Plus, but only by very very small margins (from 0.1mm to 0.2mm). 

iPhone 7 Plus: 158.2 mm (6.23 inches) 
iPhone 6 Plus: 158.1 mm (6.22 inches) 

iPhone 7 Plus: 77.9 mm (3.07 inches) 
iPhone 6 Plus: 77.8 mm (3.06 inches) 

iPhone 7 Plus: 7.3 mm (0.29 inches) 
iPhone 6 Plus: 7.1 mm (0.28 inches)

Given leather's malleability, leather cases for iPhone 7 Plus could fit iPhone 6 Plus. However, due to iPhone 7 Plus' dual camera setup vs iPhone 6 Plus' mono camera, the camera cutout on iPhone 7 Plus leather case is much bigger than iPhone 6 Plus. So while iPhone 6 Plus (or 6s Plus) could be fit into iPhone 7 leather cases, there will be a bigger camera cutout around the 6 Plus' tiny camera (image below - Left: iPhone 6/6s Plus in iPhone 7 Plus leather case).

iphone 7 leather case on iphone 6 plus

And due to the bigger camera setup on iPhone 7 Plus, it will not be able to fit into iPhone 6 Plus leather cases (image above - Right: iPhone 7 Plus in iPhone 6/6s Plus leather case).

Another area that iPhone 7 Plus is different from iPhone 6 Plus is the lack of audio jack. Because of that, if you're going to put the iPhone 7 Plus case onto an iPhone 6 Plus, please check if the bottom opening cutout of the iPhone 7 Plus case could accommodate iPhone 6 Plus' audio jack (Note: our cases could fit).

Customization Guide

Phone Cases

Gold Foil Custom Monogram Phone Case - Gold Foil
Silver Foil Custom Monogram Phone Case - Silver Foil
Rose Gold Foil Custom Monogram Phone Case - Rose Gold Foil
Blind - No Foil Custom Monogram Phone Case - Blind no foil

Watch Bands

Personalized Apple Watch Band


1. Both blind and foil stampings will appear in the approximate area shown.

2. Letter spacing might differ slightly from the preview due to the fixed width of copper die.

3. Foil is foil, it might come off when it is rubbed against over time.

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