How to remove scratches from your Phone screen - Kulör

How to remove scratches from your Phone screen

March 19, 2019

How to remove scratches from your Phone screen-Kulör Cases


Phones screens are prone to scratches and scuffs from accidental drops or simply placing them in the same pocket with your keys. While the worst scratches typically require screen replacements, mild and moderate scratches can be dealt with at home. You can follow our instructions on how to remove these minor scratches from glass phone screen or plastic phone screen in 5-minutes.



If your phone screen is made of glass (i.e. all iPhones, Samsung Galaxy S Series), you can remove the scratches on glass screens with the following items that can be found in your local store:

1. Cerium Oxide polish (can be in powder form or pre-mixed) 

2. Soft cloth x 2


Follow these steps

Step 1: If the cerium oxide comes in a pre-mixed solution, jump to Step 2. But if the cerium oxide comes in powder form, pour 50g of it into a container. Slowly add water and stir until the solution is cream-like. 

Step 2: Use masking tape to block off areas that are NOT going to be buffed.  It is important that the phone's buttons, holes (such as speakers, earphone) and charging ports are covered up with tape.

Step 3: Dab a pea-sized amount of cerium oxide solution.

Step 4: Apply cerium oxide solution to the scratch and gently rub it in a circular motion. Keep rubbing it until the scratch can be barely seen. 

Step 5. Once the scratches have been buffed away, use a clean and slightly damp soft cloth to wipe away any excess toothpaste and dirt. 

Step 6. Apply a screen protector (iPhone X/Xs screen protectoriPhone Xs Max screen protectoriPhone XR screen protector). A screen protector can hide minor scratches and to protector your screen from future scratches.



If your phone screen is made of plastic, you can remove the scratches on plastic screens with the following items that can be easily found in your house:

1. Toothpaste

2. Soft cloth / Cotton Swab / Paper Towel (either one is fine)


Follow these steps

Step 1: Make sure your toothpaste is "paste-based" and not the gel type. Only paste-based toothpaste is abrasive enough to buff away scratches.

Step 2: Squeeze a pea-sized amount of toothpaste and dab it onto a soft cloth.

Step 3: Apply toothpaste to the scratch and gently rub it in a circular motion. Make sure you keep the toothpaste away iPhone's buttons and earpiece. Keep rubbing it until the scratch can be barely seen. 

Step 4: If the scratches are too deep, toothpaste might not be enough to buff away them. However, it should at least reduce most scratches.  

Step 5. Once the scratches have been buffed away, use a clean and slightly damp soft cloth to wipe away any excess toothpaste and dirt. 

Step 6. Get a screen protector. A screen protector can hide minor scratches and to protector your screen from future scratches. Done!


Our Suggestion for Protecting Your iPhones

Sometimes users place their phone in their trousers or handbags which also leave both items all scratched up. So it's advisable to get a protective case for your iPhone and its screen. We have a selection of iPhone cases and  leather AirPods cases that we could help personalize. Go check them out!

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Customization Guide

Phone Cases

Gold Foil Custom Monogram Phone Case - Gold Foil
Silver Foil Custom Monogram Phone Case - Silver Foil
Rose Gold Foil Custom Monogram Phone Case - Rose Gold Foil
Blind - No Foil Custom Monogram Phone Case - Blind no foil

Watch Bands

Personalized Apple Watch Band


1. Both blind and foil stampings will appear in the approximate area shown.

2. Letter spacing might differ slightly from the preview due to the fixed width of copper die.

3. Foil is foil, it might come off when it is rubbed against over time.

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