iPhone XR is the best gift for Christmas - Kulör

iPhone XR is the best gift for Christmas

November 19, 2018

iPhone XR is the best gift for Christmas-Kulör Cases


Apple has been positioning iPhone XR as the Christmas gift of choice. And we have listed 3 big reasons why the iPhone XR is the best gift for Christmas.

1. The iPhone XR has lower price points than the iPhone Xs. And with the Black Friday deals coming out from the likes of Target. Walmart and Best Buy, the iPhone XR will be even more affordable.

2. iPhone XR comes with the latest specs and technologies. Apple has learned from the past mistakes of iPhone SEs where they put in dated specs into colorful cases. Consumers were not very receptive so this time Apple has packed the latest A12 Bionic CPU and all-screen display into the iPhone XR. 

3. The iPhone XR color lineup is just so festive. It comes with 6 different colors that will match with anything.


And remember to get an iPhone XR leather case to go with it. We provide free shipping and personalization service to make your gift uniquely memorable.



Customization Guide

Phone Cases

Gold Foil Custom Monogram Phone Case - Gold Foil
Silver Foil Custom Monogram Phone Case - Silver Foil
Rose Gold Foil Custom Monogram Phone Case - Rose Gold Foil
Blind - No Foil Custom Monogram Phone Case - Blind no foil

Watch Bands

Personalized Apple Watch Band


1. Both blind and foil stampings will appear in the approximate area shown.

2. Letter spacing might differ slightly from the preview due to the fixed width of copper die.

3. Foil is foil, it might come off when it is rubbed against over time.

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