The Best Phone Case for iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus - Kulör

The Best Phone Case for iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus

September 13, 2017

The Best Phone Case for iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus

Apple has finally announced 3 new phones today - iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X. Apple has maintained a good repute with high quality phones. They are not the cheapest of smartphones in the market which is most of us use screen protectors and phone covers.

The market has many creative phone cases. You can find a variety of categories of iPhone 8 cases. Personalized iPhone cases can also be bought. However, let’s talk about which phone case is the best for your upcoming iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus.

Cover it, don’t hide it

Apple iPhone mobiles are no doubt the sleekest designs. They’re simple yet classy. Which is why you don’t want to hide it. Do not add too much bulk or thickness by adding a thick cover. The mobile is thin and sleek and you should be able to enjoy that. For this purpose we suggest a clear iPhone 8 case. This could be silicone or plastic material. Some clear cases also come with minimal designs. There are some with quotes written in simple fonts. Others have cute designs on a small part of the iPhone case. Bumpers that go only on the sides of the iPhone are another good option for this case.

IPhone leather cases

You can get good quality leather cases for iPhone. An iPhone 8 leather case will come in market as soon as the phone is released. These cases can be iPhone wallet case, but there is also the option of simple ones made out of leather. There are also iPhone cases with card holder. Such a case serves for more than one purposes. Leather comes with a lot of options. There are various color options and design options as well. Leather iPhone cases can be funky or sophisticated. High quality leather iPhone cases can last you a good amount of time. They provide a smooth feel. You also have a variety of types of leather, with high grain to slightly textured to completely smooth.

Personalized cases

Custom iPhone cases are a good option if you are looking for something that perfectly suits your style. You can find a good quality iPhone case maker online. Give them your ideas and you can get a case made perfectly as you imagined. You can create the best iPhone case by adding minute details like a belt loop, zipper, stand, etc. Customized iPhone cases can be monogramed as well. You can have a logo or your name embossed on the leather. You must be thinking that with all these qualities, it would get even more expensive than a designer iPhone case. Worry not because you can get the perfect case in a very affordable price. The quality that you will get in the price is a very reasonable deal.

Customization Guide

Phone Cases

Gold Foil Custom Monogram Phone Case - Gold Foil
Silver Foil Custom Monogram Phone Case - Silver Foil
Rose Gold Foil Custom Monogram Phone Case - Rose Gold Foil
Blind - No Foil Custom Monogram Phone Case - Blind no foil

Watch Bands

Personalized Apple Watch Band


1. Both blind and foil stampings will appear in the approximate area shown.

2. Letter spacing might differ slightly from the preview due to the fixed width of copper die.

3. Foil is foil, it might come off when it is rubbed against over time.

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