Which phone case for my red iPhone XR? - Kulör

Which phone case for my red iPhone XR?

October 26, 2018

Which phone case for my red iPhone XR?-Kulör Cases


With the iPhone XR becoming available today (26th Oct), we’re writing a series of blog posts that would help our customers choose their colour matching leather cases for the iPhone XR. A lot of people are saying they’re getting the red iPhone XR (after the yellow iPhone XR) so Halie has matched the red iPhone XR dummy with a few of our leather cases.


First up is the Red iPhone XR with our All Black iPhone XR leather case. This is a relatively safe choice and it will look great if personalized or embossed with rose gold foil. 

Red iPhone XR with black leather case


Next up is the red iPhone XR with the Crimson Red & Wine Purple iPhone XR leather case

Red iPhone XR with Red & Purple leather case


We offer free personalization service with our traditional hot stamping machine and copper die sets to make your phone case truly unique. And if you're still considering which iPhone XR colour and phone case to get, you can check out our blog post here to help you decide.

Customization Guide

Phone Cases

Gold Foil Custom Monogram Phone Case - Gold Foil
Silver Foil Custom Monogram Phone Case - Silver Foil
Rose Gold Foil Custom Monogram Phone Case - Rose Gold Foil
Blind - No Foil Custom Monogram Phone Case - Blind no foil

Watch Bands

Personalized Apple Watch Band


1. Both blind and foil stampings will appear in the approximate area shown.

2. Letter spacing might differ slightly from the preview due to the fixed width of copper die.

3. Foil is foil, it might come off when it is rubbed against over time.

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