How to fix the scratches on AirPods and charging case - Kulör

How to fix the scratches on AirPods and charging case

January 10, 2019

How to fix the scratches on AirPods and charging case-Kulör Cases


Apple AirPods are lightweight and handy. Even though most people place the AirPods and the charging case in trousers and handbags, they are actually quite prone to scratches and drop damages. Because they are made of hard plastic, the scratches can be quite obvious against AirPods' white shiny surface. To remove the scratches on the AirPods and the charging case, you will need 5 minutes and a few tools that could be easily found in your local stores:

1. 2000 Grit / P2000 sandpaper

2. 3000 Grit/ P3000 sandpaper

3. Alcohol and cotton

Note: Different jobs require different grit size of sandpaper. For heavy sanding, you use coarse sandpaper such as 40- to 60-grit; for smoothing imperfections, choose 80- to 120-grit sandpaper. For finishing surfaces smoothly, use superfine sandpaper with 360-grit and up. As in this case, for fine polishing of hard plastic, we use 2000- to 3000 grit ultrafine sandpapers.Grit / Sandpapers

Instructions for Fixing the Scratches on your AirPods Case

Step 1: Gently sand the scratch marks on your AirPods charging case with P2000 sandpaper. This will slowly remove the scratch marks and leave a matte surface.

Step 2: Use alcohol and cotton to clean the AirPods/charging case. Repeat Step 1 if scratch marks remained. 

Step 3: To turn the sanded matte surface to a shiny surface, follow the next step. 

Step 4: Wet the surface with cotton and water, use P3000 sandpaper to gently polish the surface. 

Step 5: Use alcohol and cotton to clean and polish the AirPods/charging case.

Step 6: Done


Our Suggestion for Protecting Your AirPods

Sometimes users place both the AirPods charging case with their phone in their trousers or handbags which also leave both items all scratched up. So it's advisable to get a protective case for your AirPods. We have a small selection of leather AirPods cases that we could help personalize. They are also the perfect match if you own one of our iPhone cases. Go check them out!

Use coupon code SCRATCH10 to enjoy 10% off your purchase. Enjoy the discount now at

Leather AirPods Cases


Do you also want to remove the scratches on your phone's screen? Jump right to this quick fix guide

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1. Both blind and foil stampings will appear in the approximate area shown.

2. Letter spacing might differ slightly from the preview due to the fixed width of copper die.

3. Foil is foil, it might come off when it is rubbed against over time.

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